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“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”

Charles Darwin, "The Descent of Man".

About my research

My interest in research goes back a long way. Still, the opportunity to produce academic research came, in fact, in 2015, with the beginning of my studies at the Master in Informatics and Knowledge Management. Given my inter- and multidisciplinary character that combines technical and artistic profiles, my research travels through both dimensions with relative comfort.

On this page, you can get an overview of what I have produced regarding research projects and my current work.

Topics of interest: Artificial Aesthetics, Generative Art, VR/XR, Immersive Simulations, Games, Knowledge Management, Natural Language Processing, and User Experience.

My ongoing research

My Doctoral Degree

My Master’s Degree

My publications

My ongoing research


“Data that can be experienced!”

The context of this research

The total amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed globally has surpassed the staggering 64.2 zettabytes by 2020. By 2025, global data creation will grow to more than 180 zettabytes.

This data that surrounds us and that we produce is absolutely invisible and even intangible to most people. With this in mind, many artists and scientists have been dedicated to creating new meanings for this data, either by extracting knowledge from it or exposing it to make people aware of its existence. These data can be the raw material for innovative artistic expression, and interaction forms that go far beyond simply measuring them. The purpose of this research is to explore these data to enable ways to experience them.


The total amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed globally by 2020


Of data will be produced globally by the end of 2025


This was the average production of content per second for each human being using the internet in 2020


That's how long it would take to download all the content on the internet

Data Art uses facts, information, or statistics about a phenomenon to drive the artistic representation. It stems from generative art and data visualizations and can be classified as new media art. This type of art has a scientific component wrapped in an artistic representation.

The fact that it is a form of expression based on real data adds a unique layer of meaning to the pieces produced. For the first time in art history, the fabric that constitutes a work of art is based on genuine facts and an “objective” depiction of something, not just a representation of the artist’s subjective vision.

We are at a turning point when traditional ways of thinking about knowledge and its production shift to a model driven by searching for data patterns rather than testing scientific hypotheses.

This epistemological paradigm shift will also impact how art is produced, disseminated, understood, and judged. To know how new the field is, the concept of “data art appreciation” doesn’t even formally exist. For all these reasons, it is necessary to think, produce, and conceptualize the boundary between art and technology known as Data-Driven Art.

A bit of my artistic production

All the images in this gallery have something in common, apart from their abstraction: they were generated from real data, collected, processed, grouped, and manipulated using data mining techniques and computer intelligence algorithms. However, none of them were generated randomly or without control.

Generative art is an art form that uses autonomous systems, such as algorithms, to create unique and original works of art. However, all stages of the process have been subject to my intervention to a greater or lesser degree.

My ongoing research

My Doctoral Degree

My Master’s Degree

My publications

My Doctoral Degree

In a world characterized by rapid change, uncertainty, and increasing interconnectedness, there is a growing need for science to solve persistent and complex problems. One of these problems has a profound social impact and refers to the operational or behavioral deviations of security professionals and law enforcement officers, who, due to the inherent nature of their activities, are often exposed to a variety of acute stress and life-threatening situations. Such situations tend to force, besides quick decisions, correct judgments on the part of the professionals, who, precisely because of this, need to train in technical, operational, and psychological aspects constantly. However, police training is expensive, involves risks, and has little scenario flexibility. In many cases, besides being insufficient, it is also inefficient in terms of education and performance evaluation of the professional being trained.

This research started precisely from this point, and evaluating the exposed context, it intended to propose a solution that could contribute to solving the problems related to training security professionals and law enforcement agents. To this end, this research proposed a unique combination of technologies, techniques, and methods to contribute to the problem’s solution.

To address these challenges, I proposed a method to guide the development of Virtual Reality (VR) simulators that combine Biofeedback and Serious Games for specialized training of security professionals and law enforcement agents. The method considers User Experience as the predominant factor. I based the method on the Design Science Research methodology and developed a VR simulator prototype to generate knowledge to support the method’s proposition.

I submitted the method and prototype to three evaluation cycles, two with specialists and a third with a broader audience of 141 professionals and academics from 11 countries.

After analyzing the survey responses, I identified different levels of relevance of the 31 activities in each of the 7 cycles, determined by the number of activities defined as very relevant or highly relevant by the respondents. I believe that the proposed development method can help improve police training, making it more accessible, secure, and flexible.


“Towards a Design Methodology for Specialized Immersive Training utilizing Virtual Reality, Serious Games, Biofeedback, and UX Design”.

Research areas

Virtual Reality, Internet of Things, Immersive Simulations, Serious Games, Knowledge Management, and User Experience.




Prof. Dr. Marcos Antonio Gaspar – Advisor (Brazil), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Norbisrath – Co-advisor (Germany/EUA), and Prof. Jeremiah Diephuis – Local advisor in Austria (EUA/Austria).

Read the thesis
Link to the thesis

Some of what I developed during my doctoral research

During the construction of the VR simulator prototype on which the method presented in my thesis was based, I developed many things. In addition to assets, scenarios, characters and interactions, I developed a lip synchronization system guided by a phonetic alignment algorithm to facilitate the process of facial animation of the characters. Below are some images of what I produced during my research.

My ongoing research

My Doctoral Degree

My Master’s Degree

My publications

My Master's Degree

The relationship between customers and companies has changed with the popularization of the Internet and mobile technologies. Comments about companies, products, or services, once restricted to friendship circles, are now shared constantly and prolifically on social networks and websites that receive customer opinions about their experiences. This phenomenon provides opportunities for discovering knowledge from these opinions but also challenges, considering that, given their nature and form, customer opinions consist of unstructured data, which in turn require specific processing. This research presented a framework for opinion mining to discover customer knowledge about their experiences in companies (restaurants) based on unstructured data extracted from social networks applicable to the reality of small and medium-sized companies. The social network addressed in this research was TripAdvisor, from which data from four companies (restaurants) was extracted using the web scraping technique.

The main results were the generation of summaries and graphic visualizations that helped to highlight knowledge about the relationships between various expressions and terms that were not obvious. These, in turn, were discovered from the analysis, which made it possible to find latent relationships between terms mentioned by different clients. The Sentiment Analysis combined with Topic Modeling revealed that the aspects most mentioned by customers refer to the food, the place, and the service, varying in intensity and polarity. The practical contribution of this work lies in the application of Text Mining to reveal patterns and enable the discovery of knowledge from customer opinions extracted from social networks. The framework used proved helpful as a tool for better understanding the customer, their expectations, and even their frustrations, thus generating knowledge about customers for the company’s benefit.


“Social Media Opinion Mining Framework for Customer Knowledge Discovery”.

Research areas

Knowledge Management, Information Systems, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Social Networks, and User Experience.




Prof. Dr. Marcos Antonio Gaspar and Prof. Dr. Renato José Sassi.

Read the thesis (only in Portuguese)
Link to the thesis

My ongoing research

My Doctoral Degree

My Master’s Degree

My publications

My publications

Since 2016 I have published several academic articles in international journals and events in partnership with researchers from around the world.

  • Guimaraes, P. V. D. C. Souza, H. R. Batista, and E. Lughofer, “Evolving fuzzy neural network based on null-unineurons for the identification of coronary artery disease,” in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), IEEE, Oct. 2022. doi: 10.1109/smc53654.2022.9945296.
  • V. de C. Souza, E. Lughofer, and H. R. Batista, “An Explainable Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network to Predict the k Barriers for Intrusion Detection Using a Wireless Sensor Network,” Sensors, vol. 22, no. 14, p. 5446, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.3390/s22145446.
  • V. de Campos Souza, E. Lughofer, H. R. Batista, and A. J. Guimaraes, “An Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network Based on Or-Type Logic Neurons for Identifying and Extracting Knowledge in Auction Fraud,” Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 20, Art. no. 20, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.3390/math10203872.
  • R. Batista and Juergen Hagler, “A Method to the Madness: modeling the creative process of new media artists through the analysis of knowledge exchanges,” presented at the Multimodus’22 – 1st International Conference on Sound and Image in Art & Design, Portugal: Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Jun. 2022, pp. 29–31. [Online]. Available:
  • R. Batista and J. Hagler, “Humans and Machines: A Study of the Impacts of the Technological Advances in the Light of Generative Art Theory,” Barcelona: ISEA International, Jun. 2022. doi:
  • R. Batista, “Towards a design Methodology for specialized immersive training utilizing Virtual Reality, Serious Games, Biofeedback, and UX Design,” Universidade Nove de Julho, 2021. [Online]. Available:
  • R. Batista, “A pipeline for facial animations on low budget VR productions,” in 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Mar. 2021, pp. 413–417. doi: 10.1109/VRW52623.2021.00090.
  • R. Batista, M. A. Gaspar, and R. J. Sassi, “Opinion mining framework applied to a social networks data for small and medium enterprises,” Rev. Gest. Tecnol., vol. 20, no. 3, Art. no. 3, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.20397/2177-6652/2020.v20i3.1887.
  • R. Batista, A. C. D. Pinto, C. C. Guimarães, H. N. Barbosa, I. Scarpa, and G. T. A. dos Santos, “Realidade Aumentada aplicada à educação: aplicação interativa para aprendizado de conteúdos educacionais no ensino fundamental,” presented at the SeTII 2018 (III Seminário em Tecnologia da Informação Inteligente), São Paulo: Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, 2018.
  • R. Batista, P. R. B. Mesquita, and M. A. Gaspar, “Simulador de Realidade Virtual Aplicado à Educação Patrimonial para Experiências Imersivas Gamificadas,” RENOTE, vol. 16, no. 2, Art. no. 2, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.22456/1679-1916.89262.
  • R. Batista, J. C. G. Junior, M. D. Miranda, A. Martiniano, R. J. Sassi, and M. A. Gaspar, “‘If We Only Knew How You Feel’—A Comparative Study of Automated vs. Manual Classification of Opinions of Customers on Digital Media,” Soc. Netw., vol. 8, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.4236/sn.2019.81005.
  • da Silva, H. R. Batista, M. V. Cardoso, and P. H. T. Schimit, “Propagação de boatos em empresas: modelo baseado em autômatos celulares,” presented at the 14th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, May 2017, pp. 4569–4582. doi: 10.5748/9788599693131-14CONTECSI/RF-4940.
  • da Silva, Ivanir Costa, Ernani Marques da Silva, Huoston Rodrigues Batista, Marcos Vinicius Cardoso, and Fabio Falchi de Magalhães, “Qualitative analysis of T-Shaped and K.S.A models,” SODEBRAS, vol. 12, no. 135, p. 309, Mar. 2017.
  • K. Ohashi, Maria Helena Mauro, Marcos Antonio Gaspar, Huoston Rodrigues Batista, Fabio Falchi de Magalhães, and Marcos Vinicius Cardoso, “Leader Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems Market Report Comparison,” SODEBRAS, vol. 12, no. 135, p. 309, Mar. 2017.
  • C. G. Junior, A. S. A. M. Bastos, H. R. Batista, and M. A. Gaspar, “Desenvolvimento de um algoritmo de stemmer para a língua portuguesa com base no algoritmo de porter e nas regras linguísticas de um algoritmo para língua portuguesa,” presented at the SeTII 2017 (II Seminário em Tecnologia da Informação Inteligente), São Paulo: Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, 2017.
  • V. Cardoso, H. R. Batista, E. M. da Silva, M. A. Gaspar, I. Costa, and F. L. F. de Magalhães, “Co-Creation in the Game Industry: A Case Study in a Brazilian Developer,” Soc. Netw., vol. 7, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Nov. 2017, doi: 10.4236/sn.2018.71005.
  • R. Batista, M. V. Cardoso, and E. da Silva, “Engajamento como mecânica para a Gestão do Conhecimento do Consumidor com apoio de ferramentas da Web 2.0 para PMEs,” presented at the 14th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, May 2017, pp. 4398–4417. doi: 10.5748/9788599693131-14CONTECSI/PS-4918.
  • R. Batista, “Framework para mineração de opiniões em mídias sociais para descoberta de conhecimento do cliente,” Universidade Nove de Julho, 2017. [Online]. Available:
  • R. Batista and Marcos Vinicius Cardoso, “Um processo de Gestão do Conhecimento do Cliente com apoio de ferramentas da Web 2.0,” presented at the SeTII 2016 (I Seminário em Tecnologia da Informação Inteligente), São Paulo: Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, 2016.

I'm always looking for new challenges, projects and creative partnerships. Shall we talk?

Feel free to contact me. I love coffee and good conversations!

© 2024 Huoston Rodrigues – Art Direction, Interaction Design, Motion Design, and 3D

Huoston Rodrigues - Art Direction, Interaction Design, Motion Design, and 3D

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